Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Dandelion Puffs

It's been millenia since i posted, and since i have solemnly sworn to myself that i won't fail hopelessly at this, as i usually do at everything i make a concious effort to succeed at, we shall post furiously and prove myself wrong. (If you understood that sentence, then you know me very well. I'm proud of you!)

The idea for this post has been around for a while now. I wrote it a couple of weeks ago, left it under my pillow to put up here,  and promptly forgot about it. The only reason it's here now is because i changed the sheets today. I sit here at 12.15 am, eating a bar of kitkat and re writing a story i wrote a month ago. It applies now more than ever, i think.

When i was little, (which makes me sound fifty yes, i know) i spent a lot of time chasing dandelion puffs. You know, those poofy little things which look like they were some fairy princess' parachute, or perhaps a white baby palm tree. (No, i dont know where i get these analogies from, either)
I could spend hours, looking for them marvelling at them, and just being flabbergasted by how many universes these little things held. Nothing made me feel more faith in story lands than a dandelion puff.
they'd show me stories. millions and trillions and hillions of stories, stories where i was a princess, or a spy or a pirate or detective, a crocodile, or a butterfly or anything at all! 
I loved that feeling, of seeing what i believed in, seeing only what i wanted to, seeing things only i saw.  Sometimes, i wish i could close my eyes and go back to that world where everything was simple, and everyone was happy.
But there's something deceptive about my dandelion puffs. they are way more complicated than they let people think they are. just like if i did go back to then, i'd just be sheltering myself, not only from everything harsh and painful and unfair, but also from everything pure and brave and true. Ignorance is not bliss, and knowledge not always a burden. i've caught myself thinking, many a time, that i'd be happier if i didnt know that someone was hurting me. if i didnt understand the consequences of my actions, if i just thought to myself, there's a big guy up there who'll take care of this, and ensure that nothing ever goes wrong. But things do go wrong, trash does happen, people (me most of all) do say things they'd never mean. and not knowing doesnt change that fact. the dandelion puffs are right. nothing is ever as easy at it seems at first glance.

The dandelion puffs mean more than just that though, they just take me to another place. A once-was-true, a might-have-been. They show me a world where i will know when to jump off a cliff into the waiting helicopter of a handsome army man. They show me a world where i know where to find a bucket of soap water to get rid of the wicked witch of the west.
People say that sixteen and a half years is too old to be dreaming of dandelion puffs. I may have to do it secret now.... that's all! :)

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